Zebra Sisters

10: MLK's Legacy and Facing Mortality



Hosts Mary Mitchell and Leslie Baldacci reflect on the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. 50 years ago, where they were at the time, and his impact on each of their lives. Leslie shares how she bought into the "dream" and made a commitment to raising her family in a racially integrated neighborhood. Mary discusses her mixed feelings about the "dream." Both lament the continuation of segregated housing and education, resurgence of hate groups and neighborhood gentrification. Next, the hosts tackle mortality, and Leslie discloses her pact with her friends, while Mary shares her recent epiphany about death. From death, they revisit aging and dealing with the loss of youthful beauty, and Leslie shares her anti-aging beauty secrets. The episode concludes with Leslie posing to Mary the BIG question to be answered in episode 11: "How do you pronounce the word WYPIPO?"