Brew Hui Podcast

Episode 8: The Flatmates



The birth of Episode 8 actually began with a rumour: since moving to Warkworth two years ago, I had heard from several sources about a place where a bunch of über-creative folk from across the brewing, winemaking and wider gastro scene had all congregated together under one roof to share the space as flatmates.  The dinner parties and get-togethers slowly became the stuff of legend: tales from friends about rolling out the front door completely gullet-full (but with a beaming smile on their face) piqued my curiosity in a big way.  But once I found out that the brewers from a few of our country's best breweries – 8 Wired, Deep Creek and Sawmill – were among the occupants of the flat, I knew that I had to tell this particular story to anyone who would listen. So bung this episode in your ears, and hear Russell Erskine (8 Wired), Justin Oliver (Bohemian Cider/Te Rata Wines), Johan Lagercrantz (Deep Creek) and Scott Sharp-Heward (Sawmill) tell their improbable story...