Thought Stack: Adventures In Being Human

TS 30: The 80/20 to Not Killing Yourself Too Early



Podcast video can be found here: TL;DL: The 80/20 Principle means focusing on the small number of things that have the greatest impact on your life. Join me on a typical day in LA where I grab some coffee, hit the gym, play some volleyball and mess around with Crixus. 80/20 a Better Life: 1. Lift weights 3X/wk so you don't break a hip when old. 2. Sprint often 3. Sleep greater than 7.5 hours/night to have more productive awake time. 4. Meditate - Our ancestors were present. Driving: 1. Look L at intersections so you don't get T-boned. 2. Imagine 1 person trying to kill you on the freeway to stay aware. Products: 1. GUIs - Menus are set up in categories to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for, rather than display everything at once making things confusing. Design Principle 001: 80/20 Principle (Pareto Principle) Today's video kicks off my new design principles project. The goal is to share a principle with you each week to help us see the world from