Manifest Your Amazing Life With Alix And The Archangels: The No Bs Guide

Power Energies, Challenge Energies, and Soothers - Manifest Your Amazing Life with Alix and the Archangels: The No BS Guide



Trying to manifest your heart's desire? Understanding these three kinds of energy will help you stay connected to Source. Read the Full Episode Hello, and welcome. My name is Alix, and I’m an intuitive life coach, energy healer,  and channel for the wisdom and healing of the archangels. I help my clients get the answers they need so that they can manifest the lives and the abundance they desire. I created this series to share with you the information the angels have taught me about how to work with the power of Source energy to cocreate your heart’s desire. In order to manifest what you want, what you are praying for, you need to understand how energy works in your life, and you need to be able to access and embody a wide range of energies. Think of energy like paint. A visual artist works with a palette of colors that he or she is able to choose, mix, and manipulate in order to create the image we see on the completed canvas.   In much the same way, highly conscious humans can choose and mix specific energi