Sex Posi+ive

HIV and STBBIs — Episode 7



People's perceptions of HIV and STBBIs are still in the past. This week I talk to Shauna Fay from Nine Circles Community Health Centre to bring you up to date and bust some horrible myths.Great bonus tip from Shauna, so listen out for that!Before you check it out there are a couple corrections! At one point Shauna accidentally says that HIV positive mothers in Manitoba get one free year of breast milk, but she meant that they get one free year of formula!Also U=U stands for Undetectable is Untransmittable (not Untransmutable like I say) Also available on iTunes and on Google Play Music.For more info about Nine Circles and their services check out their website!Facebook: Nine Circles Community Health CentreCATIE’s Safer Sex GuideU=U (Undetectable = Untransmutable)Getting tested at Nine Circles