Dr Amer Siddiq On Mental Health




Anterograde - Unable to remember new thingsRetrograde - Unable to remember things of the pastPossible causes of amnesia:infection of the brain (meningitis)tumour in the braininflammation of the brainseisureIntervention due to mental health treatmentChronic alcohol users (confabulations)Accute stress distorder (psycholoigcal)Potential diagnosis methods:MOCAmini-mental state examination  (MMSE)electro encathelogramCT Brain scanIn Malaysia, traumatic brain injury is main cause of amnesia due to number of accidents.  Please wear safety gear, particularly helmet.No specific medication.Shoutout to PM LIVE! ###See me on MyDoctors on ASTRO Ria tonight - 19th Feb 2018 at 11pm, and every Monday after that.We are on Raku!  Thank you for hosting our podcast. www.raku.myFind me on twitter @DrAmerSiddiqPsy or #medtweetmy @medtweetmyhq or on FaceBook at DrAmerSiddiqPsych.  Looking forward to reading your comments and tweets!Also MyMentalHealth on Youtube - focusing more on Malay content