Intrepid Northeast Radio

Riley Elliott: New Zealand's Shark Man



What's it like to live the Life of Riley? Join us for the podcast episode and find out. Riley Elliott is a surfer, spear fisherman, and leading shark scientist from New Zealand that knows how to make waves across the globe. Riley's philosophy is to pull you into his world through stimulating visual imagery and a robust media presence. He is fond of the quote "We will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught." Riley's mission is to get you to love and understand the ocean and the critical role it plays in the health of our planet. Riley is best known for his work with sharks. He has studied shark behavior extensively to the point of  being able to swim comfortably with some of the largest species and he describes in this episode some of the body language used to communicate with them. He also talks about the Western Australian Shark Cull that was implemented from 2014-2017 and his role in building opposition to the practice, which was aban