Cthulhu On Parade!

Cthulhu on Parade! AP Episode 39: Fiasco - Transatlantic



Book your tickets! A brand new episode of Cthulhu on Parade has risen from the depths to challenge your entire philosophy on update schedules, a bold new artform only matched by the sheer talent on display by our glorious heroes. Yes, the rumours are true and this episode features a brand new player never-before-heard on this podcast. Who will it be? Why, the only way to find out is to listen! Or, scroll down and see on the featuring list I guess. But what will they sound like? So anyway in this episode we played Transatlantic, a Fiasco playset, and referenced Too Many Cooks a lot, to the extent where within a month (this episode was recorded a month ago almost exactly) some things may feel outdated. But also, it's kinda like Titanic? And that's a timeless classic/historical event. My point is that there's layers here. Also it's pretty funny. So, listen to it maybe? This episode was edited by Stephen. Featuring: Sarah as Anastasia Steele, a bold young woman with revenge on her horizon. Stephen as Steven Po