Rebel Role Model

Judge Amber-Givens Davis Empowers Positive Changes, One Gavel Bang at a Time



  Judge Amber Givens-Davis is the Presiding Judge of the 282nd Judicial District Court in Dallas County and making BIG changes happen for her community. She also is the founder of The Empowerment Program, Word of Mouth Series and CoFounder of The Purpose Project.  Yes, she's an ultra high achiever, but her passion for making sustainable community programs and improvements is undeniable. She embodies her mantra, "Justice and Equality for All" on the daily, and inspires her community and constituency to do the same. Currently, she's running for re-election, and has shared her journey to the judicial system in hopes to inspire young females to follow in her footsteps. Judge Amber hosts AMAZING events and programs around Dallas, be sure to attend the next one: Instagram/Twitter @judgeambergivensdavis Facebook: _____________________________________________ Our Podcast is now on SPOTIFY!! Click Here More Podcasts, Videos and Articles of other