Sincere Sarcasm

Sincere Sarcasm Ep. 30 - The Perks of Being Nice To The Guy Behind the Till



More Sincere Sarcasm? Say it ain't so! Well, there is, and Dave the Drummer and Francis aka The Other Guy are back for more of the nothing. This time around we talk about working in customer service, being introverted, and the benefits of small talk. Our silly news segment has people needing BBQ sauce, oranges, Irish priest, preceded by a bad music video and proceeded by Tommy's Taint. This episode will have you questioning everything! So enjoy, this latest Sincere Sarcasm. So thank you for listening, thank you for sticking with us, and thank you for being awesome. If you're enjoying the podcast, tell a friend! Support the show! Check out our Patreon today! iTunes Subscribe – So you never miss an episode. Twitter Handles: Francis The Other Guy: E-mail: Voicemail: (347) 450 – GEEK (4335) Blog: