Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

The Myth Of Earthbound Spirits



The Myth Of Earthbound Spirits--Ghosts Who Are Allegedly Lost Between Worlds, Don't Know They're Dead, Or Are Afraid To Go Into The Light "Too many of the bereaved are suffering in their fear that their deceased loved ones are lost or stuck between worlds--commonly known as earthbound spirits. To me, this is a sad and unfortunate tragedy for the grieving because I have not seen any evidence of this belief in over 13 years of investigating the afterlife. Yet these beliefs that the recently deceased can get lost and not find their way to the light, or don't know they're dead, or don't trust their loved ones in spirit who are calling them to the light, have been passed down through the generations, and I don't know anyone who has ever questioned these ideas. If you have been worried that your loved one who passed might be an earthbound spirit--or if you've been blindly spreading these ideas around to others--consider the multiple arguments I make in this video to dispell these fear-creating myths so you can make