Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Experiencing the HEALING Environment of a Near Death Experience



NATALIE SUDMAN: "Natalie Sudman discusses a ENTIRELY NEW ASPECT of her near death experience after her truck was hit by a roadside bomb in Iraq. This all-new interview can be viewed without watching Natalie's previous interviews, but watch all 3 for the full experience. "In this video, Natalie reveals what happened to her in the HEALING ENVIRONMENT. She talks about the different forms (shapes/appearances) she took in all 3 environments, how her soul (whole self) chose the injuries she would have when re-entering her physical body--and why she chose those injuries, what the Healing Environment was like and what it teaches us about our soul's detachment and sense of humor, and why our souls make choices for tragedies in the first place. We even talk about spirit guides, the environment in which they exist, and how they fulfill our requests when they get mixed messages from us. This interview is so jam-packed with fascinating information that you won't want to miss it. I'd love to hear your thoughts after watchi