Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Anita Moorjani’s Extraordinary Near Death Experience



Anita Moorjani's two-part interview is now in one Afterlife TV episode! Three years ago I interviewed Anita Moorjani about her near death experience as one of my first guests on Afterlife TV. At that time, I separated this extraordinary interview into two parts. Consequently many people missed part two, which holds extraordinary wisdom that we can all use in our lives. Because this is one of the most popular episodes in Afterlife TV history, I've put Part 1 & Part 2 together into this one life-altering interview that is worth watching again even if you saw it years ago. While the video technology has improved since this episode and this was one of my first interviews as a host, the content from Anita is absolutely amazing. And it should be noted that this was also one of Anita's earliest interviews, even before her book was released and before she was presented to the world by Dr. Wayne Dyer. ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV ANITA MOORJANI: “You won’t want to miss this life-changing conversation with Anita Moorjan