Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

The Near Death Experience of MarVeena Meek



Here’s an early Afterlife TV episode on Near Death Experience that only a few lucky people have seen. MARVEENA MEEK: "In this conversation, MarVeena Meek shares the details of her near death experience after her horse fell on top of her during a rodeo. Learn how MarVeena left her body, looked at herself from afar, and traveled into the spirit world. A near death experience is when a person dies for a few seconds or minutes, leaves their body, often goes to the afterlife (spirit world), and then returns to their body." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV MarVeena Meek talks about her near death experience during a rodeo accident. MarVeena Meek is a psychic medium from Dallas, Texas. After a near death experience opened the area of her brain that allows people to see beyond the physical dimension, she was able to see and hear spirits. Since becoming a medium, MarVeena has helped many people around the country (and world) contact deceased loved ones in spirit and has helped people realize and develop their own natural