Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

The Afterlife of Dogs, Cats, Horses & Other Furry Friends



DANIELLE MACKINNON: “Every pet lover wants to know if animals go to heaven just like humans. Is it the same for dogs, cats and horses? What about snakes or spiders (they can be pets too)? Animal communicator Danielle MacKinnon answered the dozens of questions people ask every day when their beloved pets pass on. We even talk about the difficult subject of euthanasia. "If you’re a pet lover like me, this interview will provide comfort and greater awareness overall. And it will help many viewers understand exactly why certain pets come into our lives — the important role they play as mentors and guides to help us grow into better people (and accomplish what we came into this life to do). Yes, pets can do all that and more, and Danielle MacKinnon helps to enlighten us as to the gifts that animals are for humans and how the relationship continues even after their passing. "This was not just ‘one' of my first interviews but 'the' first Afterlife TV interview I ever did. A great episode and lots of fun, I highl