Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

The Wisdom Of The Afterlife



Bob Olson: “In this interview—where Richard Dugan from Tell Me Your Story interviews me, Bob Olson—I reveal the deeper insights from my 15-year investigation of life after death, including what I’ve learned about God, heaven, hell, religion, what it is that leaves the body when it dies, what spirits do in the spirit world, what evidence exists for the survival of consciousness, the difference between believing and knowing, how we can know about the afterlife if we haven’t experienced it, and so much more. "Richard was nominated for a Peabody Award for his radio show because he asks questions that lead to meaningful answers like you’ll experience here. He certainly knew how to pull the best wisdom from my afterlife knowledge. In fact, this might be my most lucid and articulate interview to date thanks to Richard. As I’ve done in the past, I have carefully chosen my wife, Melissa’s, photographs to share with you since this is an audio-only interview. I think they go well with the subject matter and add to the e