Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Phone Call From The Afterlife! Afterlife TV Bite-Sized Episode



I'm excited to try out my new "bite-sized" format to offer shorter Afterlife TV episodes for you to enjoy more often. I'll do longer episodes occasionally, but bite-sized episodes more often. In this episode, one of our most loyal Afterlife TV fans, Ornella, shares her real-life afterlife encounter about asking for a sign from her deceased father. Her story proves that the more open we are to signs from spirit (aka messages from the afterlife), the more likely we are to experience them. AS A SPECIAL TREAT, my wife Melissa joins me in the studio to share her brilliant insight on Ornella's story. We'd love to hear your feedback about this new, shorter format, so be sure to comment on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, or on Let us know if you like having more yet shorter Afterlife TV episodes. Bob & Melissa Olson SHOW NOTES BEST PSYCHIC DIRECTORY (sponsor): John Edward: Ornella’s Twitter page: