Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Deliberate Acts of Love: 35 Ideas To Offset Fear & Anxiety



Something has been weighing heavily on my mind, so this week’s episode is about a subject that I’ll bet has been weighing on your mind, too. Every time there’s a stabbing, shooting, or some other act of violence in the world, one question that goes through my mind (among many) is “What can I possibly do to make a difference in the world to offset the hatred, cruelty and terror?” I can’t say that I have “the” answer to that gigantic question — if there really is one best answer — but I do have one answer we can at least try. I believe that we can help to offset the fear and anxiety caused by such unfathomable acts of violence by being exceptionally loving to one another. Goofy? Maybe. Worth doing? Definitely. And that’s what today’s show is about. In this episode, I present 35 simple acts of love to get this conversation going and to get each one of us thinking about how we can make a difference in our day to day lives. Let’s create a massive ripple effect that will go far and wide across the world. Much lo