New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Episode 4: Mental Management



Here are some do's and don'ts you can use to manage your thoughts while on your goal journey: DO learn to talk to yourself in a positive voice. In other words, speak positive affirmations. What do you say to yourself (aloud) to affirm yourself?  DO mentally rehearse what you say or do when you encounter a blockage or a challenge or an obstacle on your journey.  Mental rehearsal occurs when you practice in your mind the language or action when faced with a hypothetical situation.   DO recall previous successful goal pursuits, particularly when you feel stuck or in a jam. Recalling what you have successfully achieved in the past serves as a reminder of your ability to overcome current obstacles and challenges. DON'T stick to a blocked goal when it is truly blocked. There are times when a when you just can not surmount the challenges and blockages that come about during the pursuit of your goals.  And it’s ok.  DON'T think you can reach your big goals all at once.  The key to achieving your big goal is patience,