House Music Podcasts [music For My Friends. Roman Trufanov]

GedankenKlang (Berlin/Lissabon) - " Fear " by Timujin


Synopsis FEAR Without fear, human could hardly live today and his ancestors could not have done it. Fear warns us and keeps us from taking irresponsible risks. At the same time, it mobilizes forces, whether for defense or for flight. In the course of civilization, the immediate threats to nature have become smaller, especially for the urban people in the industrializations. In prosperity, however, new fears have arisen: fear of nuclear power, unemployment or genetically modified food. Modern fears have also become a political factor: in the Western world, the green parties of the fears of the environment began to move into the parliaments. Free of fear Life is full of fears. The fear of life, of being alone, of pain, and of dying. Fears that pile up to a mountain. I want to be free, free from fear. I climb the mountain. At the top, I look down into the valley. I'm afraid. Fear of running, fear of spreading my arms like wings, afraid to fly. I take all the courage together and