Hare Of The Rabbit Podcast

Peter Rabbit and Helen Beatrix Potter - Privet - Hobie



Peter Rabbit Welcome to 2018! This is the start of the second year for the podcast! As a recap from last year we put out 44 episodes. Almost an episode a week. We had two interviews. One with a Japanese exchange student (Yudai Tanabe), and one with Susie at Laughing Orange Studios. We covered about 23 different rabbit breeds, and three hares, so it looks like every other episode is about a breed. My favorite three episodes from last year were the Space rabbit episode, the Jack-a-lope, and Halloween Rabbits. What was your favorite episode? Post in the comments for the show! I would like to thank those that purchased through Amazon to support the show. It looks like Amazon is not seeing enough activity, and is threatening to shut down the account.  "We are reaching out to you because we have not seen qualified sales activity on your account." Remember it does not cost anything extra to use the link on the hareoftherabbit.com website.  I appreciate the support! Today we are going to check out Pete