Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul flashback 504



Recap of Breaking Bad 504, "Fifty-One". Say goodbye to the Aztec and hello to the cool new Chrysler products! The Houston warehouse for Madrigal gets scrutiny from the DEA. Lydia actually helps Team Heisenberg by pointing out the GPS tracker attached to a barrel of methylamine. Skylar is forced into a celebration of Walt's 51st birthday. Stay tuned with us as we get closer to the new Better Call Saul season 1 premier. We will cover that show each week in this podcast series.Connect with us:Mike <a title="WestCoastProject on Twitter" href="">@scathingtweets</a>Kelly <a title="Fun Facts on Twitter" href="">@brba_funfacts</a>...and make sure to check out Kelly's cool fun facts: