Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul flashback 512



Recap of Breaking Bad 512, "Rabid Dog". Hank has teamed up with Jesse to bring down Walt. Even though he is not convinced it will work, Jesse reveals all of their criminal activity on videotape at Hank's house. Hank is prepared to sacrifice Jesse to catch Walt and sets him up with a wire. Jesse gets spooked at the last minute and calls Walt instead, telling him he will "get him where he really lives."Stay tuned with us as we get closer to the new Better Call Saul season 1 premier. We will cover that show each week in this podcast series.Connect with us:Mike <a title="WestCoastProject on Twitter" href="">@scathingtweets</a>Kelly <a title="Fun Facts on Twitter" href="">@brba_funfacts</a>...and make sure to check out Kelly's cool fun facts: http://break