Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul flashback 513



Recap of Breaking Bad 513, "To'hajiilee". Todd is trying to cook meth on his own but can't seem to get the color or purity down right. Walt puts the hit on Jesse by setting it up with Todd and Jack. Hank's plan is to trick Huell into revealing the details of the van and the money barrels. This trick works, as Walt speeds out to his hiding spot in the desert, setting up the standoff with Jack' s gang. The episode ends in a brutal shootout.Stay tuned with us as we get closer to the new Better Call Saul season 1 premier. We will cover that show each week in this podcast series.Connect with us:Mike <a title="WestCoastProject on Twitter" href="">@scathingtweets</a>Kelly <a title="Fun Facts on Twitter" href="">@brba_funfacts</a>...and make sure to check out Kelly's cool fun facts: