Mariners Jhm Podcast

Know God Week 1



Series: Know God Week 1 Speaker: Justin Herman Scripture: Romans 1:20 SERIES VERSE: 1 John 4:7 BIG IDEA: Creation helps us know God Better. In this 4-week series, we’ll be talking about the unique and sometimes unexpected things we can do to truly know God better. When we experience the bigness of creation, we experience the power and wonder of God. Stand by the ocean, look at the stars, or look at the people around you to see a little bit of God’s creation. Remember, LIFE IS BETTER IN JHM BECAUSE YOU'RE IN JHM! For more content and info on Mariners Junior High Ministry go to our Website HERE!! or Download our JHM App on iTunes or on Google Play Questions on what we talked about or really anything Mariners Junior High related? Email Justin Herman our Junior High Pastor: