Robert Budd Sho

Wrap up 2017 with Robert- 12:31:17



"We will be known forever by the tracks we leave." Native American Proverb Hey All!!! Happiest of New Year to you and your friends and family! In this episode I wrap up 2017 by recapping the 5 top downloaded interviews that I did this year. #5 Sarah Simonetti #4 Chip Martoccia #3 Brandon Glade #2 Lance Winsaft #1 Michael Castrogiovoni I got so much from all of the interviews I did this year along with 2 of my favorite podcasts to listen to: Tim Ferriss and The Dave Ramsey Show.  I love to share what I am doing to expand my life through these podcasts and I hope you got as much or more out of them as I did. Thank you for listening to these Sho's and I am committed to delivering the best content I possibly can in 2018 and beyond! Enjoy the show! I really hope you enjoy this podcast. If you would be so kind to rate this podcast in iTunes I would really appreciate it!! Thank you in advance!