Skills 4 Livin'

08: Emotional Regulation, Part 1



Today we’re talking about emotion regulation! It’s a big topic so I’m breaking it into 2 parts. In this episode I’ll cover what the emotions are, and why we want to regulate emotions. We’ll talking about the function of the emotion, the physiology of the emotions and the urges that go with emotions to  give us insight into how they can be regulated.   My goal is to take a complicated topic and make it a bit less complicated.     Why? To decrease emotional suffering and make clear decisions in the moment.     Barriers to regulating emotions:    Biology Lack of skill       We’re covering these 10 common emotions today:     Fear Anger Disgust Sadness Shame  Guilt Jealousy Envy Love Happiness     Join us as we take a deeper dive into each of these emotions, so we can better understand the emotions and then we can better understand how to regulate these emotions. We’ll talk about that in part 2, so please come back next week for the conclusion.