Tube Tunes

S01E07: Cathode Ray Memories



In this regular-length episode, I wax nostalgic about my earliest and most influential television memories, and how what I watched impacted my sense of humor, my appreciation of drama and music, my love of animals, and my general outlook on life. Of course the theme music for the shows I discuss are included, many of them presented in stereo, as well as a brief synopses of the shows. This survey includes the following themes: THE TWILIGHT ZONE (1959-1964) [episode 1-31 opening] [episode 1-31 closing] [episode 32-36 opening] [episode 32-26 closing] [season 2 opening] [season 2 closing] [season 3 opening] [season 3 closing] [season 5 opening] [season 5 closing] -Commercial Break- CAPTAIN KANGAROO (1955-1984) [1955-1974 opening] [1974-1982 opening] -The Mystery Tune- GILLIAN'S ISLAND (1964-1967) [season 1 opening from Tape 1] -Commercial Break- GENTLE BEN (1967-1969) [opening] -Commercial Break- MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS (1969-1974) [opening] The commercials include three vintage promo drops from WTCG-TV 17 i