Note Mba

057: 2016 Is Mine



We’re diving back in on our goals for 2016, but to be honest, we’re not diving deep. We’re cruising along the surface and getting the process rolling. Which is what we want you to be doing along with us. Let’s call it the bare minimum of progress that we should accept of each other at this level. Remember, just because of the fact Billy down the road hasn’t written his goals doesn’t mean you should be skating by without writing down your own goals. Don’t be like Billy!!! Vague goals that are written down are what we like to call a good start. From there let’s take the time to put them into categories based on different focal points of our lives. Next we are really going to think about if these are SMART goals.   Once they get SMART it might be time to really break down the processes that each one is going to require to get you to accomplish the overall goal, or get in the habit of creating small habitual behaviors that will get you to that goal. With these thought out goals in place its time to find an accoun