Note Mba

059: Business Expansion & The Dallas REI



We kick things off going over an article that Robby received a link to from another note buyer. The article it titled: Selling HUD’s Non Performing Loans: A Win-Win for Borrowers, Investors, and HUD Over the weekend we got to spend some time hanging out together during the Dallas REI Expo. It was also a great opportunity to meet with some new investors and new vendors as well as catch up with old friends in the industry. Its hard to put a value on getting out of your market and meeting with other investors that are like minded in a space that is designed to expand the businesses and lives of everyone involved. Chase hits on his big takeaways, which happen to hit home to our business of being able to spend more time in the same room working on projects. There is a nice little place in Marshall, TX that we are trying to sell right now and we had one heck of a time with the original real estate agent we were working with. After the decision to pivot and engage a new realtor we have had a night and day experience