Note Mba

066: Managing Investor Expectations



Alright, we're going to try something a little different with this week's show note. We decided to try a bit of outsourcing for a complete transcript of the show notes. We're well aware they're rough in some areas, and we will try to fix that going forward. However, we'd love some feedback about whether these full transcript style show notes are better for you. So, leave a comment down below if you want to weigh in on the full transcript versus regular show notes. Without further ado: Chase: Hey everybody! Welcome to the NoteMBA podcast, your home for note investing on iTunes. I'm Chase Thompson. This is episode 66 and I'm joined as always, by Robert Woods  - except for when we do an interview and it's only one of us and not the other, but that isn't today. We do have some sweet interviews lined up for you guys over the next couple of weeks. We are getting pretty pumped about that. We are getting those recorded, underway and edited for you guys. We are very excited about that. Mr. Woods, how are you sir? Robb