Note Mba

070: A Lifetime in Real Estate



Today we interview an investor that has spent a lifetime in real estate. We’re talking with Kimberley Banks Fawcett of Inspired Capital Group, LLC from just outside of Dallas, TX. Kimberly was born into the real estate business. Her first roles were on the operations side, she eventually started her own real estate firm. Her first real estate investment was a condo purchased shortly after finishing up college. The extra rooms were rented out to friends, allowing Kimberly to house hack her way through three years of rent-free living while paying down her mortgage. While holding a wide variety of real estate investments in her portfolio she is currently focused on residential first and second lien mortgages. First lien notes are her bread and butter, and she dipped her toe into seconds because it allows her to get smaller investments into a much nicer underlying property. Plus with seconds, she feels she has a larger variety of exits than with a 1st position lien. When reviewing deals she isn’t so much concerne