Note Mba

077: Back Where It All Started With Note Investing & Note MBA



We're back where it all began for Note MBA, the top note investing show on iTunes. Robby is in one of his favorite places in Asia, Chiang Mai. While Chase records from his office in San Antonio, Texas. For those that might be new to the show, here's the rundown. Robby and Chase met at Noteworthy in Las Vegas in late 2014. Over the next two months, Note MBA was born. They start off today with Robby talking about the correlations between running your business while you travel, and working a 9-5 to job. The highlights would be setting appropriate expectations and putting systems in place. After that, they dive right into note investing deal talk. First up, having a hedge fund rewind a deal on you. This will happen from time to time. After you've already wired money in the bank or hedge fund, if something isn't right they might rewind a deal, and send your money back. This isn't a common occurrence when note investing, but something to be aware of. There has also been a focus on higher value asset acquisition. We