Note Mba

093: Loss Mitigation & Capital Raising On The Way To 198 Notes



This week we dive deep into loss mitigation, capital raising, relationship building and more. On this week’s episode, while Robby is off on vacation in Spain, Chase has a great interview with an experienced note investor named Jay Tenenbaum who is also the Managing Director at Prosperity Investment Fund. Jay will actually be presenting at the IMN conference coming up on September 22nd and 23rd as well. He will be featured in a panel entitled “Getting a non-performer to re-perform in this low rate environment; work out modification & rehabilitation strategies.” Jay used to be a practicing debt collection attorney for 20 years in Southern California. After closing the law practice, he started investing in judgment liens with a focus on real property. He  then attended Scott Carson’s Note Buying for Dummies Workshop in August of 2013 which opened his eyes to this different debt instrument which ended up being an easy transition for him based on his past experience. His company has now bought 198 assets with