Note Mba

103: Thanksgiving 2k16 & Drug Dealer Cellphones



It's Thanksgiving 2k16 people! In this week's show we take time to say thank you, talking about outsourcing, buying drug dealer cellphones, and so much more. Right off the top, this week's episode is the annual Thanksgiving edition, and Chase dives right in with gratitude. As part of the weekly Note MBA Insider email, he already took some time to thank the listeners and Note MBA community. However, just in case you don't get the weekly email, he takes a moment to say thank you. Moving right along with the Thanksgiving analogue, Chase prompts Robby to discuss how full their plates are currently. They've been incredibly busy these past few months. Robby notes that one of the biggest opportunities with all these projects is closing them out. He harps on the need to finish what they've started to keep from spinning too many plates at once. We've talked before about the importance of having effective boots on the ground in areas you're investing. Well, what's the next best thing to your own boots? During the inter