Note Mba

107: Analytical Engineer to Real Estate Investor, Multiple Family to Notes



On today’s episode, Robby and Chase interview a guy that went from analytical engineer to real estate investor. They are fortunate to have a guest on the show with a wealth of experience in multi-family and single family investing. His name is Adam Adams with AJA Investments. They get started by letting Adam talk about how his ROI analysis software which evolved over time to allow for more efficient analysis of potential note deals. They go on to discuss how the overall effects of this on his business and the benefits to understanding and being confident in your numbers. They then segue into discussing forced place insurance and a cheaper insurance option that Adam recently found at Note Expo in Fort Worth, Texas. One of the great things that Adam found is a program they have for pools of notes where he’s paying 1% premiums per year on his declared note value. This prompts Robby to ask a question and also issue a small challenge. Robby uses REI Guard through Infinity and he does the replacement cost / actual