Note Mba

109: Oklahoma CFD & Property Management To Avoid



Robby and Chase are both freshly back from recent trips and have finally decompressed from some packed schedules. After thanking listeners from their past weekends, they dive into a few great books they recently finished as well as what Chase is currently reading, which happens to be a re-read, 4 Hour Chef and a daily dose of The Tools of Titans. Next up, they start discussing an Oklahoma CFD deal Chase just funded. He explains that it looks like the borrower has actually completed some capital improvements to the property instead of paying the bills. The actual UPB they had on this one was just south of 35k and the acquisition price was $24,000, while the current market value is between 49k and 56k. The exit strategy currently looks like foreclosure for this one and Chase will keep everyone posted as to how it works out. Robert goes over a deal he’s getting out of in Canton, Ohio where he has discovered one of the worst property managers he has ever worked with which is Hayes Property Management. He original