Note Mba

110: Meta Learning, Florida Foreclosure & The FAT Tax



  First off, Chase wants everyone to join us in wishing Robert a belated Happy Birthday as he celebrated yet another wonderful year on this earth this past week! To kick things off from there, Robby and Chase discuss a recent Facebook challenge that Robby has taken on with a friend of his, Eric Harding. The challenge involves being more in tune with your health, proper alcohol intake & a “fat tax.” The rules dictate that everyone will be their accountability partners so to speak and anyone who discovers Robert or Eric having a sip of alcohol before March 5th will be paid $250. On a quick side note, an awesome fundraiser that we'd love for you to check out involves a fellow note investor. It's a GoFund Me for a friend who’s son has some type of genetic disease. Also, Robby will be headed to Haiti at the end of February with another note investor, Scott Dilley. It's for the charity organization Children First. Go check out their Facebook page, and if you're able to they could always use a donation. Next u