Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

1/5/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



President Obama is shedding tears for gun control proposals that will not protect Americans from mass shootings and terrorist attacks. Did Obama cry when Kate Steinle was killed by a repeat offender illegal immigrant in San Francisco? Did he cry after the mass murders in San Bernardino? He is on a mission against the American people and attacking the civil society through gun control and his massive amount of regulations issued. Obama persists in executive overreach, the courts mostly uphold his decisions, and the Republican Congress is doing nothing to stop him. Also, the praetorian-guard media is reporting dutifully on Obama's tears and consistently tow his and the liberal Democrat line. The media either watches Obama or promotes him. Yet, the vast majority of them do not own guns, don't understand them and could care less. Later, John Lott, President of the Crime Prevention Research Center calls in to discuss Obama's latest executive order and how Obama told him in 2008 that people should not be able to ow