Juliette's Kitchen

Juliette's Kitchen- Red Cabbage Salad



Welcome to Juliet's Kitchen. Today we had a well being retreat which is really well and I made a dish which I've got to share with you today. Its so simple and so delicious. It's based on red cabbage. All you need for this is a food processor red cabbage celery lemon and coconut oil. So what I did is I got a cut of red cabbage. It's got 2 stalks of celery. A table spoon of coconut butter and half lemon squeezed in it blended altogether and serve it up. Why is this good? Well red cabbage is amazing for us. It's been shown to have a cancer fighting properties. It's very high in anti oxidants(?). It's high in vitamin E and vitamin A so it's really good for our skin. It's been known it's been shown that's it anti aging