Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Open Your Freakin Eyes



Hey Fam, Lets be honest. Things seem to be getting out of hand in America these days. Much of the country is divided and it seems as if it's going to be difficult to get us back together.  The truth is, when the oppressed speak out against the oppressor, they run the risk of losing something. It is evident wherever we look. When we speak, we speak from the hand that was dealt. We are those brown people that many seem to dislike these days. We are members of the LGBTQIA community that seem to be losing favor again. We are female and part of the #metoo community.  I say all of that to make one thing perfectly clear...we will speak out. If you are offended, that's too bad. We have been offended, hurt and left out for far too long. We have voices and they will be used. We hope that everyone will continue to listen. Even those who are offended. Because without everyone participating in these discussions, nothing changes. Change is uncomfortable, but necessary. Especially now. We ask that you listen, not only with