Hollywood Hick

CrabDiving – Fri 102017 – Unfunny Paul Ryan & We Believe Frederica Wilson



Unfunny Paul Ryan stand-up was reviewed on this episode of the political podcast and all thumbs were mos def down. Democratic leader Frederica Wilson had been right all along, according to the facts. Trump mouthpiece Sarah Huckabee Sanders shamed a journalist for wanting to question the Chief of Staff. Melania Trump got rid of much of her staff, because she ain't doing dick up in the White House. RWNJ load lord Alex Jones rage-gasm'd to the point of chair throwing when covering a story about drag queens reading to kids. Woman-hating, racist douche Coach Dave Daubenmire proclaimed interracial marriage has weakened America. Ancient Christo-dink Pat Robertson blamed a mother for her atheist son's fiery fate. Crooked religious loon Jim Bakker claimed the "unsaved" are going crazy, due to Shitler's love of sky-god. New Mexico came to it's senses and allowed fact-based science back into their schools' curriculum. Finally, in news that is reassuring, young people are saying buh-bye to religion. Check out more of t