Startup Film School With Stacey Parks Of

Case Study: Releasing Your Film On Zero Budget



We are always talking about marketing and promotional budgets for our releases, but what if you literally have $0 budget to work with? How do you pull off a release with NO MONEY? Filmmaker Micah Van Hove is about to find out through the release of his feature debut MENTHOL. Tune into this case study we did with him to find out: • An intro to the movie, the budget range, and how he funded it• What his initial goals were going into Menthol• What the festival process was like and how long he waited before approaching distribution• Why he decided NOT to do a TUGG tour• Why he decided to launch his VOD release on the Reelhouse and Vimeo platforms over all the other ones available• How he plans to sustain a digital release with $0 marketing budget and who his target market is (his answer will surprise you!)• The single biggest lesson he's learned throughout the process of making and releasing his first feature in today's 'distribution is everywhere' climate• The biggest challenges he's faced along the way and what