Robert Budd Sho

RobertBuddSho_Marisa Molina



How does someone who majored in Molecular Biology and Epidemiology become a Health Coach that specializes in Intuitive Eating?  Marisa did just that and we get into what were the events that had her on the path she is on right now.  (6:50) Marisa gets the Swine Flu  (7:30) Studies abroad in Guatemala  (10:05) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in San Diego (28:35) Intuitive Eating (29:00) Myths that drive her crazy  Meditates for the last 3 years to rid stomach issues Music to get pumped up by (she doesn't drink coffee) People who have influenced her: Maria Forleo , Mary Ann Williamson Books that she suggested to read: Louise Hay, Medical Medium, Woman, Food and God, Outliers Partnering up with: Amy Krasner: Plan your goal for a year Links to goodies: Hello Beautiful Health Enjoy the Sho!!