Robert Budd Sho

RobertBuddSho-Helen Schettini



When I asked Helen what she did for a living a couple of years ago while in a Kettlebell Class at Nakoa Performance, she nonchalantly said, "I am a pro Snowboarder." OK. I then asked her what she does when its not snowing. "I hang out here in Encinitas." OK. I must of had the look of WTF on my face because she then said, "I know, it's pretty cool and I know it won't last forever so I am enjoying it now while it lasts." Hence her belief or mantra, if you will, of "Don't take yourself too seriously" and one of her biggest fear in life,  having regret. Regretting not taking a chance, regretting not taking a certain line while snowboarding in the backcountry of Whistler, Canada, or regretting not sticking with snowboarding after multiple injuries and people around her telling her that she should not board any longer.       She has become the only female on the YES team, appeared in all of their movies and was nominated for TransWorld's "Rookie of the Year" award for her "YES. It's a Movie" part. I first saw