Barber Shop Podcast

The Jesse Elliot Band



Sometimes a little birdie says there's someone good on the scene we should feature. In this case, 4 different birdies I've flocked with for years told me I needed to see this 28 year old Guelph transplant Jesse Eliott at one of Hamilton's talent soaked open mic's. From the back of the room I believed him, and his commitment met his talent with a force rarely seen, pure commitment, original and excellent. The old barber didn't get the lead chair by sitting on his laurels, and beating the bush for the next great thing is part of what we do here. This - is why we do it. Jesse Eliott with John LaBassiste, Timothy Kulakowski and the savory Nick Burson flesh out the frenetic beauty of the next great thing out of Hamilton. Fresh, real - you gotta hear it to believe it. Barber Shop Podcast