Barber Shop Podcast

Rae Billing and the Unpayables



Kindred spirit Rae Billing began her music career late after the loss of a treasured sole. Writing the arrangements and turns of phrase that danced in her head , learning to play and leaning hard into a new, some would say, dangerous, direction. Rae continued to pour her heart into it, bringing the naked truth foreword through progressive years and three albums. Catching the ear of bass ace Michael Hickey at a West Town open stage, the two played many shows as a duet before snagging choice time keeper Nick Burson and session guru/guitar player Michael Birthelmer to form the band that puts all the pieces together. Settling in at Birthelmer's Pine Street Studio in Hamilton, Billing and company set about crafting a superlative effort, textured and rich with ballads and stories of love, loss, truth and justice. When completed, Walls and Fences bore witness to a testament worthy of this city, as good as anything out there. Live, in-studio, Alt-Country goodness is the special of the day at Barber Shop Podcast with