What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#44 -- Bernie's Plan For Peace Between Jews and Palestinians + The Brawl in Brooklyn



  Recorded April 17th, 2016. Bernie makes history by breaking a major US presidential campaign taboo by offering an honest assessment of what it will really take to achieve lasting peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We offer not only evidence that once again Bernie's remedy to perpetual war is the right one, but a challenge to Israel that will almost assuredly require new leadership that thinks along the lines of the man who could be our first Jewish president. Dr. K. also raised the origins of Hillary's characteristically poor foreign policy judgement in calling for continued military escalation in the region -- Darren guesses right: follow the money. Also on the show: the clash between dirty money's influence and the campaign against it reached a boiling point at the New York debate. Does it matter that Bernie exposed Hillary's unwillingness to come clean with the American people on a range of vital issues, or that she mentioned Obama 48 times but was more than willing to throw him under the bus whe