Booty Call

Nightmare On Ex-Girlfriend Street or While I’ll Stick to One Night Stands Forever



Jack swears on his own life that he is wholeheartedly and indefinably finished with monogamy. He has actually been over this foolish ‘lifestyle’ for a while, but it took until actually writing these words to officially swear on it. Girlfriends are a little bit like electronic gadgets: you absolutely have to have one. Soon after, you fall in love with it, then you obsess over it, you end up leaving your friends for it then spend all your time with it. And inevitably, it either breaks or you see the next best thing. Jack never knows it isn’t working until some sort of climatic explosion occurs. To illustrate this, the following stories are of my past relationships and 100% true. By the time you are finished listening to them you’ll know why Jack is swearing off monogamy for good. Don’t forget to leave your feedback and subscribe to our podcast. is brought to you by Adam & Eve. And today Jack Has Your Back to give you a 50% OFF Discount on almost ANY one item. Just enter the Adam and Eve Promo C