Mile High Locavorist

MHLV 09: Marilyn Megenity | Mercury Cafe



Organic food is your birthright. – Marilyn Megenity Marilyn Megenity has run Mercury Cafe for 40 years. She’s been committed to local, organic food long before it became fashionable. Mercury Cafe boasts around 90% local products on their menu and beyond food, provides a joyous gathering place for art and poetry, much as you’d expect for a cafe named for the Magician in a Tarot deck. Marilyn combines her calming faith with a love for chaos when she comes to play at work, every day, “serving organic Colorado cuisine.” – IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN – How she started her first cooking job at the tender age of 4 What the dining public isn’t ready to go without How she tries to meet diner’s year-round expectations for fruit Why she thrives on the joyful chaos of a seasonal menu How and why she decides between local suppliers and organic suppliers Why good wool means tasty lamb What foods define Colorado cuisine from the rest of the country Why you can not only educate diners but be educated by them How faith con